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ED-Intellecta Application Solution

The ED-Intellecta app we developed helps people adopt and commit to a financial health-improving routine in personal finance, including pensions, investments, protection, mortgages, etc. Our app should meet specific requirements that help people with all their financing needs.

ED-Intellecta encourages discipline and transparency, empowering users to take control of their financial lives with greater ease and confidence.

How We User Interface

After carefully assessing the difficulties associated with personal finances and presenting different options, we developed the app user interface. We thoroughly investigated app sites like Good Budget, Honey Due, and Empower for ideas for the app interfaces.

Key Features

Secure encryption and authentication in multiple layers.

Financial insights and recommendations with AI.

Boost your savings and finances with automatic transfers and challenges.

Monthly expenses and cost reductions by the app.

Key Features

Secure encryption and authentication in multiple layers.

Financial insights and recommendations with AI.


Boost your savings and finances with automatic transfers and challenges.

Monthly expenses and cost reductions by the app.

Personal Goals

Mobile Banner

Challenges We Encounter

Technology Used

Vector Smart Object-3

Our App Development Process
